Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Settling In...

We are definitely beginning to settle into a routine! :-)

After our math warm up, identified three basic ways to write numbers...standard form (376), word form (three hundred seventy-six) and expanded form (300+70+6). While the students worked independently on some worksheets, I was able to pull small groups. One group worked on applying a new strategy for subtracting numbers. There is a worksheet for homework that reviews odd/even and the hundred's chart.

After math, the students practiced making connections to text using the Tomie DePaola book, The Art Lesson. The purpose is to recognize that when we connect to text it actually strengthens our comprehension. Students wrote about their connections in their reading response journals (RRJ). I continued the informal reading testing.

Following lunch and recess the class will go to PE. When they return I will assign reading homework (read for 15 minutes and get a parent's signature) and hand out a reading log. This log should be kept in the reading section of their binder.

Then we will finish our science lesson that we did not get to yesterday. The students will share what they know about fingerprinting and we will read about the history of fingerprinting. If time allows, we might even begin to make some prints.

Remember that Back to School Night is tomorrow night at 7pm.

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