Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Monday!

Any day after the Skins beat the Cowboys (or any AFC East opponent) is a GREAT day!!!!!

In math we began exploring methods to identify and extend a numeric pattern. I am teaching the children that they need to identify then apply the rule, using these ideas:

  • Decide whether the pattern is increasing or decreasing.
  • Circle the first two numbers in the pattern.
  • Subtract the smaller number from the larger number (big # - small #), that tells you the rule
  • If the pattern is increasing, then you ADD the rule...if it is decreasing subtract the rule
  • To extend the pattern, after you identify the rule, go to the last number in the pattern and apply the rule

While the children worked independently on a worksheet that practiced identifying and extending patterns, I met with two small groups. One group worked on writing four and five digit numbers in standard form. The other group practiced using the ideas above to identify and extend numeric patterns. There is NO math homework tonight.

On Wednesday, the students will be assigned new reading classes based upon the data we have gathered through our informal assessments and the MAP-R. Therefore, I did not meet with reading groups today but I DID focus on independent work expectations. I spent time reviewing how the expectations for independent work time would be communicated to the class (via the white board) and then ensuring that they followed the directions.

Prior to this, of course, we engaged in two whole group lessons; a reading lesson, focusing on identifying character traits and using details from the text to support them, and a writing lesson, listing possible topics for personal narratives. We read the book Koi and the Kola Nuts for the reading lesson. Today I Feel Silly was the book used for the writing lesson.

Following lunch, recess and art, we will identify the resources required for our hobby and categorize them as human, capital or natural.

Please make sure your child reads for at least 15 minutes and completes the reading log in his/her binder.

Reminder: No School tomorrow due to Primary Election Day

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