Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Wonderful Thursday

We have had MANY discussions about focusing on instruction and putting effort into our work...they seem to be paying was a FABULOUS day!!!!!!!!

We began the day, in reading, with me modeling a technique called Somebody/Wanted/But/So/Then using the book Madeline's Rescue. This technique can be used to synthesize text for retelling or summarizing. The crab, Lions and Bears reading groups then completed an entry in their RRJs, using this technique, with the most recent chapter we had read and discussed. Additionally, all students practiced writing q, o and c in cursive and completed a contraction activity from our language arts text.

Reading Groups:
Cheetahs: We did some word work in group and I gave a book talk about our next book, William and Boomer.

In math the students created a bar graph using a data table. Our focus was taking information, including the title and labels, from the data table and including them on the bar graph. We also reviewed choosing an appropriate scale. I met with several small groups that worked on three digit subtraction with multiple regroupings, numeric patterns and place value.

Following art, lunch and recess, I demonstrated how to use our prewriting activities to create a rough draft. Then the students continued to work independently while I met with the other three reading groups. Each of these groups shared their Somebody/Wanted/But/So/Then charts and we discussed the positive aspects of their work, as well as the challenges.

Spelling packets are due tomorrow!!

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