Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

We continue celebrating Red Ribbon Week to remind students to say NO to drugs and alcohol. Today the students were asked to wear jeans. Tomorrow they are asked to wear hats in order to remember to "Put a CAP on Drugs".

In reading we began reading Race to the South Pole, a non-fiction book about two explorers, back in the early 1900s, who were determined to be the first to get to the South Pole. We identified examples of cause and effect to help us comprehend the text.

While I met with reading groups, the students worked on individual reading group assignments, reading and responding to a non fiction article about Jack-O-Lanterns and writing a cartoon using our new WOW, wallop (to hit hard).

Cheetahs: Met with Mrs. Jeyasunder (I was in a meeting at the time) and read and retold an article about Jack-O-Lanterns.

We spent our math block reviewing and correcting every problem in the Unit 1 Review Packet. These are coming home this evening. The students are expected to use them to prepare for the assessment tomorrow.

Following PE, lunch and recess we had a fire drill. After that, some students shared their published writing pieces with the class.

Then the students continued their independent work while I met with more reading groups.

Reading Groups:

Bears: This morning they charted the beginning. middle and end of chapter 11 in the RRJ. We shard these in group and then they returned to their seats to write a summary of the chapter.
Lions: Today they read the rest of the chapter called The Accident to discover what Sarah Ida did after Al gave her the key to lock up the shoeshine stand. They had predicted yesterday, in group, what she would do. Today, in group, we discussed what she actually did and how she had changed since the beginning of the story. When they returned to their seats the students completed a somebody/wanted/but/so/then chart in their RRJ, for this chapter.
Crabs: Earlier today they charted, in their RRJ, the beginning, middle and end of chapter 6. We discussed this in group.

We ended the day by discussing the concepts of supply and demand.

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