Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day Open House

Thank you to those parents who were able to visit our class this morning!

In reading we read the book The Wednesday Surprise by Eve Bunting to predict the surprise. This proved to be challenging for the students so we practiced going back and rereading the text in order to improve our comprehension.

For independent work the students finished their rough drafts, read a chapter in their reading group books and practiced writing the letters n, m and v in cursive.

Reading Groups:
Cheetahs: We began reading William and Boomer out loud and reviewed what William could do in the lake and what he could not do.

In math we constructed and read double bar graphs. There were some focusing issues, so we didn't get to the iPads or anchor activities. There is a subtraction worksheet for homework.

Following music, the students enjoyed lunch and recess.

After recess, we learned about prefixes. The children learned that prefixes are "word parts" that are tacked onto the beginning of a root or base word that changes the meaning of it slightly. We identified several words with prefixes and their meanings. Then the students completed a follow up activity from their language arts text.

Reading Groups:
Crabs: We reviewed the unknown words they identified in the morning. Then we used the word enough to read and write the words rough and tough. This is the word analogy strategy that good readers and writers use automatically. After that we began reading chapter 2 and identified the Molly's' Surprise.

Lions: We reviewed the list of unknown words from their independent work assignment. Then we used the word night, and our knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, to spell the word unsightly. This is the word analogy strategy that will help the students read and write new words. After that we began reading The Shoeshine Man. The students read to find out how Aunt Claudia knew Al Winkler. They then wrote about it on white boards.

Bears: We reviewed their lists of unknown words and then the students reread the chapter to identify the secret that Hanna "spilled the beans" about. They wrote about it on white boards and shared their responses in group.

At the end of the day I handed out their next spelling packet and had them write their homework in their planners.

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