Friday, October 7, 2011

Finish Up Friday

This morning we took our second spelling test and went over the contraction packet. After that, I reviewed which assignments each student was missing. Then the students had time to catch up on unfinished work.

After reading, we took our fourth quiz in math. This has been scored and returned to all students. Please look for it in home folders this afternoon.

Next the students visited the media center and enjoyed lunch and recess.

We spent the entire afternoon working on our writing. It was AWESOME!!!!!! Well, at least I thought so! :-)

At first I finished modeling my written piece that I began yesterday. Then the students gathered their storyboards, sat in a circle around the carpet and rehearsed what they planned to write with me. After that, students who felt ready returned to their seats to begin their rough drafts. Others, stayed with me for more one-on-one talk. As the students finished their rough drafts, they either met with me or our high school intern to read through their writing and get feedback.

It was truly exciting to see the students so engaged and excited about WRITING. I also noted a lot of progress! WOO HOO!

Look for interim progress reports, tonight, in your child's home folder. Since we are a little over halfway through the marking period, this is good information as to how your child is doing in third grade.

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