Thursday, February 17, 2011


This morning, in math, the students used rulers and compasses to construct polygons and circles with specific dimensions. Small groups were pulled, by Mrs. Mutiga and myself, focusing on issues noted on yesterday's "exit card". There is a worksheet for homework and we will have a quiz tomorrow.

In reading we read the book Mailing May and identified aspects of historical fact, as well as, situations that were fictionalized. Then, we discussed challenges we are having, across the class, with writing to persuade. We then scrapped our plans from yesterday and began a new piece TOGETHER...we will all be writing a paragraph to persuade Mr. McGee and the PTA to use our school's popcorn machine. Today we focused on identifying good reasons that would match our audience.

While the students completed a story map for Mailing May and a planning sheet for our popcorn piece, I met with reading groups.

Reading Groups:
Hornets: We started a new book called Caleb's Story. This book is written by the same author of the last book we read and includes the same main characters. Tonight the students need to read chapter 1 and identify why Anna gives Caleb a journal.

Snow Tigers: We reviewed the answer to last night's homework...the students SHOULD have written something about Ben being proud of commanding Gully to lie down. Then we began reading chapter 10. Tonight the students need to read chapter 10 and identify the problem in this's at the end!

Hyenas: We were short on time so we briefly discussed the answer to last night's homework...the problem was there was a gang at the railroad tracks who would have taken Sarah Ida's money that she was bringing to Al's wife if Kicker hadn't intervened. There is NO homework for this group tonight!

Following lunch and outdoor recess the class will go to the media center. When they return, Mrs. Howard will do a friendship lesson with them.

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