Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hump Day

This morning in math we continued our study of symmetry. Today, however, when given half of a figure, we completed the other half in order to have a symmetrical figure. While the students worked independently, small groups worked on symmetry, addition and subtraction with regrouping and geometry vocabulary. There is a symmetry worksheet for homework. Tomorrow we will begin to explore solid figures and we will have a quiz on Friday!

We began reading by discussing similes as another type of figurative language. Similes compare two seemingly different things, using one common thread, and either the word "like" or "as". For example, fleece as white as snow...compares the lamb's fleece to snow, since they are both white and it uses the word "as" it is a simile!

Next I modeled using the persuasive writing planning packet to write a paragraph. I focused on stating the opinion in the topic sentence and restating it in the conclusion. I also identified which sentences named my examples and which ones explained them.

While I met with reading groups the class worked independently on a simile worksheet, writing their persuasive paragraph and creating a word search using this week's spelling words.

Reading Groups:
Snow Tigers: We discussed Ben's discovery of the trap door. For homework they need to read chapter 5 and identify who Ben meets.

Hornets: We discussed the implication of the word"our" and read chapter 6 in group. For homework they need to read chapter 7 and explain why Sarah's eyes fill with tears on page 40.

Hyenas: We shared character traits for Al and began reading the next chapter. For homework the students need to read "The Shoeshine Man" and identify how Sarah Ida's first day went.

Following lunch and indoor recess the class went to PE. When they return they will participate in a practice session for the reading portion of the MSA.

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