Thursday, April 29, 2010


In math we began working on a review packet for the unit 5 assessment. While the students worked independently, with a little help from Mrs. Starkey, I met with a few small groups. One worked on identifying fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. Another practiced solving for unknowns in equations. Finally, I worked with a group on identifying the value of a fraction of a set.

Tonight the students should finish the review packet. However, please note, the last couple of pages are challenge problems...the students might not know how to handle these. No worries!

Tomorrow we will go over the entire review packet in class. The students will be expected to correct any mistakes. They should come home with a completed (and correct) review packet tomorrow night. Please use this to study for the assessment on Monday!

In reading we read a book called The Paperbag Princess. We identified structural parts of the story and discussed the author's message. Then we shared the character sketches that the students completed in class yesterday afternoon.

Following music, lunch and recess the students will work on their story planning sheets, their character sketches and writing their rough draft. They will also work on assignments from reading groups. I will meet with reading groups and maybe (fingers crossed!) conference with some children on their writing pieces.

Tigers: We reviewed their -ed charts from homework. Then we read and discussed chapter 4. Tonight they need to reread chapter 4...practicing reading with fluency!

Bears: WE took some time to go over each student's planning sheet for their realistic fiction piece. I wanted to make sure that the problems and solutions matched. Then we read The Shoeshine Man. Tonight they need to reread the entire chapter...working on fluency!

Lions: Discussed the idea of a cliffhanger and used the ending of chapter 1 as an example. They also completed comprehension questions for chapter 1, independently Tonight they need to read chapter 2 and be prepared to discuss what mama was afraid of.

We will end the day by reading about taxes and the services they provide.

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