Monday, April 26, 2010


This morning we spent more time reviewing and practicing the use of long division to find quotients. After practicing, using white boards, as a class, the students worked independently while I met with some small groups. Two of the small groups worked on long division, another group practiced solving word problems involving money and the final group identified the proper symbol required to make an equation true. There is a packet of mixed review for homework. Our assessment will be NEXT Monday. Look for a review packet on Friday.

WE began reading by reviewing the proper format of a Diamante poem. Many students did not follow the appropriate rules when writing theirs on Friday. Then we began discussing fantasy as a literary genre. As an example of a fantasy book, we read Big Bad Bruce and discussed the "fantastic" aspects of the story, as well as the realistic parts.

Following art, lunch and indoor recess the students will work independently on reading groups assignments, writing diamante and cinquain poetry, making a cartoon for the new vocabulary word (baffle) and searching for -ear words. I will meet with reading groups.

Tigers: Practiced writing high frequency words. Then read chapter 1 to find out what was surprising. Tonight they need to reread chapter 1 of their new book.

Bears: Practiced writing high frequency words. Then reread A Game, chapter 3. Tonight they need to reread the same chapter...working on fluency.

Lions: Continued reading the final chapter. Tonight in their RRJ, they need to complete a chart for Morning Girl and Star Boy listing 5 adjectives and 5 verbs for each. They should skim and scan their book to come up with GREAT words!

We will end the day by observing our plants and writing about how transportation links communities and people.

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