Monday, October 19, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week...the reminder for students to say NO to drugs...began today! Today was wear read day...tomorrow the children are asked to wear boots to "stomp Out Drugs".

This morning, in math, we reviewed items from the quiz that presented challenges for many students. We also practiced using data from three charts to answer questions. For example, which pizza place sold the most pizza on Tuesday and Wednesday? There is an estimation story problem worksheet for homework.

I have also noticed an overwhelming need for students to memorize the basic addition and subtraction facts. I have links to some web sites on this blog that the students can use for practice. You can also help your child make flashcards. The more facts they have memorized, the easier all other aspects of math instruction will become!!!

Prior to art, lunch and recess we continued reading Polar Bears. The students wrote questions during and after our reading. We shared their questions and discussed how recognizing our questions helps us to focus on and become more interested in the text and therefore, increase our comprehension.

After that, I continued modeling the writing of a rough draft that included transition words. When I was finished, students identified transition words within my written piece. Then they went back to their own rough drafts, with table partners, and circled transition words in their own writing.

This afternoon the students will work on reading group assignments, writing their rough drafts and locating words with the-ea spelling pattern (sound doesn't matter). Later in the week we will wort these -ea words according to the sound the pattern makes in each word.

Lions: Will read chapter 7, list 3 things that Ben fears and add an event to their story map.

Tigers: Will finish reading their story and write questions they have on post-it notes.

Bears: We will continue reading the story and writing questions as we read. We will also answer a question in our RRJ.

We will end the day with a social studies lesson. Students will identify a community worker and write about the good/serviceit provides and the resources needed to do their job.

Please check planners for homework...I am trying not to assign too much due to the Book Report due NEXT Monday...but any reading group assignements will be in there.

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