Friday, March 27, 2009


In math we continued our investigation of decimals. We practiced identifying and naming tenths. There is part of a worksheet for the children to finish on Monday, since the students do not have school.

In reading we discussed the characteristics of fantasy literature and read a story called Harvey Potter's Balloon Farm. We will continue our study of fantasy in the new marking period.

Following music, lunch and outdoor recess we read an article about the water shortage in Beijing. We discussed many aspects that led to this shortage such as; the population tripling over the past 50 years, a lack of rainfall in the country and the city being built far from a water source such as a large river.

In response to this challenge, we read about the Miyun Reservoir which was built to collect and store water for the citizen's of Beijing.

We ended the day by listening to Mrs. J.'s son playing his guitar and sharing our instruments with Mr. Vogel's class.

Remember, there is NO SCHOOL for students on Monday. It is a report card preparation day for teachers.

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