Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

It's good to be back after a long weekend!

We began reading with me sharing some good examples of responses to the Panda BCR, written by classmates, from last week. After that, I handed out a poem and we discussed the main idea/author's message in the poem. Then I handed out a BCR and we identified and defined key (or important) words in the question. Finally, I introduced the new WOW (word of the week), baffle.

While I met with a reading group the students worked on a response to the new BCR and created a cartoon for the WOW.

Reading Groups
Lions: I handed out a new book called Gooseberry Park and each students got a novel schedule packet that is to be kept in the reading section of their binder. In group we learned hot to use/read a novel schedule. For homework the students are to preview their book by reading the inside blurb, the back cover and look at the pictures in the book. Then, using that information, they are to label the 4 main characters on the picture in their novel schedule.

In math we continued our study of 3D figures. We learned the difference between a pyramid and a prism. We also constructed a triangular prism and counted the faces, edges and vertices. There is a worksheet for homework.

Following PE, lunch and outdoor recess, I reviewed and handed out the next spelling packet. Then the students continued their independent work while I met with reading groups.

Crabs: We discussed the idea of anxiety as it related to the mood of their book. Then we read and discussed chapter 5. For homework the students need to reread chapter 5 and write and explain a title for that chapter.

Bears: We reviewed Kyle's internal struggles in chapter 6 and began reading and discussing chapter 7. For homework the students need to finish reading chapter 7 and write and explain a title for that chapter.

We ended the day by discussing the upcoming sound project. Unfortunately, when I was out on Friday, the substitute accidentally handed out the suggested timeline for the instrument project that I had intended to assign at the end of next week. No worries! This gives the children an extra week or two to get started.

Today, though, we discussed the project in more detail. Tomorrow the students will bring home a more complete packet of information, further explaining the project with more detail.

In short, each student will make an instrument that produces a sound whose pitch can be changed. Ideas can be obtained via the Internet or library books. They will draw a diagram of their instrument and write two paragraphs about their instrument. All of this will be due on Wednesday, March 28. This is an at home project.

Again, more information will be coming home tomorrow.

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