Friday, February 24, 2012

Finish Up Friday

It's been a great, productive week! :-)

Therefore, in reading, after reviewing personification and identifying examples in a poem, the students were expected to complete a follow up worksheet and then they were given time to complete any unfinished work. They definitely earned this reprieve because those who worked diligently all week were rewarded with a chance to relax and enjoy reading any book they chose!

Of course, I did meet with my reading groups!

Crabs: We discussed chapter 6and then shared the children's title that they wrote for homework last night.

After completing our warm up in math, the students took the second quiz for unit 4. These will be scored and returned to the children before the end of the day today. Following the quiz, Mrs. Benson worked with a small group helping them learn the vocabulary in this unit. The rest of the class worked on anchor activities, including geometry apps on the iPad.

Following a visit to the media center the students enjoyed lunch and recess (part outdoor and part indoor). Then the students continued working on unfinished work while I met with reading groups.

Bears: We shared and discussed their responses to last night's homework. It was a great discussion!

We ended the day by adding two strings to the harps we began constructing yesterday. We also discussed different ways to change the pitch on the harps.

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