Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I just finished my Tuesday blog entry and tried to post it and LOST it!!!!!!

So this will be quick and dirty!

In math we practiced identifying coordinates on a graph and used that to create a picture. I met with a small group to practice adding specific increments to a given time. Mrs. Arul worked with a group calculating elapsed time. There is a coordinate graphing worksheet for homework.

We began our reading block by reading an article in the May issue of National Geographic about Rays and identifying the main idea in each section. The students are really progressing with this difficult task.

Then the students worked in their groups to read their plays with fluency and expression and to create scenery, props and costumes.

All groups met with an adult to do a read-through. All groups are expected to read their parts and get a parent signature in their planners, for homework.

Following lunch and recess the students had a class meeting. During this class meeting, each student put their name at the top of a piece of paper. We then passed the paper around so that every students could write a compliment on every sheet of paper.

I explained to the children that I truly believe that every person is special. Some people have obvious traits that make them special while others aren't so overt. It is my hope that they will keep these papers and read over them to constantly remind themselves what is special about them.

It was heart warming to see how serious the students took this activity and the thought that they put into what they wrote on others' papers.

WE ended the day by cross pollinating our plants.

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