Monday, May 23, 2011

Muggy Monday

Due to the spring chorus and band concert this afternoon, we had a shortened math. In math we began coordinate graphing. Students need to remember that ordered pairs are over and then up. Other than that, this is usually a fun and fairly easy topic. We did a practice worksheet in class and there is a worksheet for homework.

After math, while Mr. Vogel's homeroom went to music, our homeroom used our bee sticks to begin cross pollinating our plants. Additionally, the students wrote a short paragraph explaining the interdependence between the bee and the plant.

We began our reading and writing block by reading a new article in the May issue of National Geographic. This article was about vanishing cultures. We took time to identify the main idea in each section.

After that, the students got into their play groups and practiced reading thier plays fluently with expression. Then they continued working on their scenery, props and costumes.

I met with each group and listened to them read, giving them pointers along the way. EVERY students MUST read his/her part for homework and get a parent's signature.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students will go to art. Then they will enjoy the Spring Band and Chorus concert before heading home!!

I am thinking about schedulingour play for 11:30 on Friday, June 10...this is NOT definite but if you have a concern, please e-mail me ASAP!!!

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