Monday, May 9, 2011

Marvelous Monday

In math we read a chart and calculated elapsed time to complete 2 worksheets. Students who continue to struggle with calculating elapsed time got help in a small group or with one-on-one attention. There is an elapsed time worksheet for homework.

We began reading by taking the spelling test that I forgot to leave in the sub plans for Friday. OOPS! Then we worked with diamante poems. A diamante poem has 7 lines and compares two subjects.

Line 1: 1 noun subject #1
Line 2: 2 adjectives that describe subject #1
Line 3: 3 action words that describe subject #1
Line 4: 4 word phrase describing feelings about subjects #1 and #2
Line 5: 3 action words that describe subject #2
Line 6: 2 adjectives that describe subject #2
Line 7: 1 noun subject #2

Here's an example of a diamante comparing noise and music:

loud, sharp
annoying, clanging, banging
can't get away from
exciting, refreshing, soothing
pleasant, fun

We practiced writing a diamante together as a group and then the students wrote one as part of their independent work. They also sorted new spelling words that included either the prefix un- or re-. Finally, they worked on cartoons involving our new word of the week (WOW), attire (clothing).

Reading Groups:
Hornets: we discussed whether or not Bunnicula was a vampire and what we thought would happen after the book ended. Tomorrow, in class, the students will write a diamante comparing Harold and Chester.

Snow Tigers: We discovered, through our reading, that the government was trying to purchase Lu Yi's family farm in order to plant bamboo trees and save the giant pandas.

Hyenas: Unfortunately, we ran out of time and I did not meet with this group.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students went to art. We ended the day by reviewing geographic characteristics and their effects on people and places.

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