Thursday, April 24, 2008

Take Your Child to Work Day

So, we had a whopping 8 children in homeroom today. We made good use of our time, though!

In math we spent the entire time using white boards to practice identifying equivalent fractions. The children enjoyed this time as many obtained new knowledge of a skill that has been haunting them. Some of the children who usually dread math were actually bummed when it was over! :-) There will be a quiz tomorrow. So the only homework is to review past quizzes in order to study for the quiz tomorrow.

Following math, we combined third grade classes and went to the computer lab. Mr. Vogel had discovered a Web Quest on the Internet that is called The Great Plant Escape. You can check it out by clicking on the link I have added under "Other Web Sites", to the right.

Well, today the children got a chance to do the Web Quest. They also gathered information (took notes from the Web Quest onto a note page created via Power Point by Mr. Vogel) that identifies and explains the seven things needed for plants to grow. After obtaining approval from a teacher, the children will then create their own Power Point about what is needed for plants to grow.

This wonderfully fun and educational activity was created by Mr. Vogel. I think it provided an excellent learning opportunity for the children who came to school today...and hopefully, they had fun, too!

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