Thursday, April 3, 2008

Back to a Regular Schedule - for now!

This morning brought us back to our typical routine...sort of!

In math, we practiced long division using white boards. Then the children received a worksheet with labelled fraction bars and we spent some time discussing fractions, again. Finally, the children returned to their seats and used their newly acquired knowledge (and some old stuff, too) to identify equivalent fractions. For homework, some students need to finish the classwork and everyone has a worksheet that practices comparing fractions.

We began our reading block with a review of fantasy as a literary genre. I also shared with the class that while magic or supernatural powers are a focal point in fantasy, the author tries to make everything else in the story believable. We continued reading Matilda and discussed what was believable and what was "supernatural".

Then we got into a truly fun (and educational, too) discussion! To prepare the class for the Time for Kids that we were going to read and discuss, I shared with them the idea that delegates are the actual people who select candidates. This spiralled into a wonderful discussion about the entire election process...we even drew some parallels to math concepts. Finally, we read the issue and the children completed a follow up worksheet. Those who did not finish are expected to finish for homework.

After lunch and recess, we went to the computer lab and I introduced the children to a software package called Type to Learn 3. As the title implies, it is a program that teachers the children to type properly. The students had the chance to work their way through 2 missions, at their own pace.

When we returned to the classroom, the children worked on their time lines that we started, in class, yesterday.

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