Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sunny Wednesday

Many of you may not be aware but most of the Wednesdays this school year have been rain! I know this because of indoor recess!! It is so nice to have a sunny one!!!!

In reading our whole group lesson was a plus/delta chart providing feedback for the BCRs the students completed yesterday. In short, the pluses were organization, spelling and transition words. The deltas were explaining their details, using a variety of transition words and choosing more accurate character traits.

While I worked with individual students providing feedback on their writing the students worked independently on the following assignments; rewriting their BCR using the provided feedback, completing a pronoun activity and reading chapter 4 in their reading group book.

In math we worked on the review packet for the unit 3 assessment. Tonight, any students who has not completed this packet must do so for homework. We will begin the assessment on Friday.

After math we had an emergency class meeting. Following directions and listening has become a big issue not only in our classroom but when the students are with other adults around the building. Today was the fourth day in a row that was plain ugly...therefore, we missed going to the computer lab and had a talk.

Following lunch and recess we began reading a new book about the Exxon Valdez and attempted to view pictures of the disaster online. Unfortunately, the link I had didn't work. Then the students continued working independently while I met with reading groups.

Reading Groups:
Bears: We began reading chapter 4 and discussing why Sarah brought Shells with her. Tonight the students need to read the entire chapter (4) and answer the questions, "Do you think Sarah plans on staying? Explain using details from the chapter.", on a sticky note.

Lions: We began reading chapter 4 and did some word work using scoured and mustn't from the chapter. Tonight the students need to read the entire chapter (4) and explain why Lucy shrieked at Simon on page 48, on a sticky note.

Crabs: We discussed the el (elevated train) and began reading chapter 4. For homework the children need to read the entire chapter (4) and explain how grandpa felt about being stuck (pay special attention to page 29) on a sticky note.

We ended the day by making slide whistles to produce sound by vibrating air.

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