Friday, January 15, 2010


It has been a long, busy and productive week...I think we are all ready for a three day weekend!

In math we continued working on the review packet for the unit 3 assessment. We will go over EVERY problem in the packet on Tuesday. Students will bring the packet home Tuesday night in order to study it for the assessment on Wednesday.

Prior to reading, Ms. Jones met with the entire third grade to discuss the sharing of items (such as food, stickers, pencil grips, erasers, etc.) at school. Students were told that they should not be doing so...BUT in the event that a fiend gives something to another student, that child should ask their parents before they use/eat it.

Our whole group reading lesson focused on analogies. Analogies show the relationship between a set of words using either antonyms, synonyms, part-to-part or set-to-part. Examples include; up is to down as black is to _____? (white) green is to grass as yellow is to _____? (sun)

We really had a lost of fun with the analogies and it is a super way to improve vocabulary!

Following the media center, lunch and outdoor recess the students will continue working on their writing and finish up any other assignments from the week. I will spend the majority of my time conferencing with individual students on their writing. If I have extra time, I will meet with reading groups.

Before enjoying Fun Friday (for those who earned it) we will finish our science experiment from Wednesday. Students will continue observing the pitch and vibration of a ruler at different lengths.

There is no school Monday - Martin Luther King's Birthday!

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