Thursday, November 12, 2009


Another half day today...

In math we took our first quiz of the second unit. I was a bit disappointed with the results. Be sure to check your child's math section. We will continue working on renaming measurement units. There is a worksheet for homework tonight.

In reading the students had time to work on their graphic organizer and rough draft for their writing piece. They also worked on the two follow up worksheets from earlier in the week. I met with the BEARS reading group...we began a new book by going over important vocabulary in the book. Then we used the text features to answer some questions. After that, we read the introduction. Tonight they need to preview the book and list any unknown words.

Following music the students will go to lunch and pack up to go home.

Book orders are due can order online.

Look for an announcement about our field trip...the weather does not appear to be cooperating...we might have to cancel!

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