Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What day is it?

I love adding an extra day to the weekend but the day we get back I have a difficult time remembering it is Tuesday not Monday! :-) But, it is Tuesday, that means we have PE tomorrow! Don't forget to help your child remember to wear appropriate shoes!

In math we practiced using place value to order and compare numbers. After practicing with white boars, the students worked on an assignment independently. There is a worksheet for homework, in their home folder.

Following math, we took some time to learn about my expectations for using the planner and then we wrote their assignments for tonight and some reminders in their planner. Besides math, students must complete a poster about themselves to be added to the Braggin' Dragon board in the hallway outside of our room. That took a bit longer than I had anticipated.

After that, while I continued my reading assessments, the children worked on their All About Me booklets.

Following lunch and recess, I will continue assessing students. Mrs. Starkey will spend time with the class. They will listen to another chapter (or two) of Frindle. They will also take a Memory Walk through the school and record observations in the writer's notebook. These observations can be used as topics for future personal narratives. Finally, they will review the different fingerprint patterns and classify prints according to these patterns.

Remember to send in the $15 check payable to DES for Time for Kids, the planner and the home folder. Also, don't forget that Back to School Night is tomorrow night at 7 pm.

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