Thursday, September 25, 2008


In math today we reviewed and praacticed using estimation to solve word problems and solving three digit word problems. While children worked independently, I met with groups of three students, at a time, to assess their abilities to compute three digit subtraction and addition problems. I also took the opportunity to clrify any issues as I saw them arise.

For homework, some children need to finish their classwork (BTW...there was PLENTY of time during class). All children have a problem solving worksheet to complete.

During reading we sorted /ea/ words according to the sound the /ea/ makes in the word and compiled a class list...that might explain a couple of the words on the list!! Students then chose 7 words from the class the class list and three mispelled words from their writer's notebook. These will be their words to practice from today until NEXT Friday. Next Friday I will dictate sentences using the three distinct sounds that /ea/ makes in a word. These may or may not be words on your child's list.

After that the children read an issue opf Time for Kids and completed a two sided follow up worksheet. Some will need to complete this for homework. I managed to meet with two reading groups.

Dragons: Read and discussed chapter 2 including specific vocabulary words.

Frogs: Discussed problem and solution in Cat and Canary. Also, identified character traits for Cat and located evidence in the text that supports the trait.

This afternoon we will be listening to speeches from classmates and chooisng two SGA representatives from our class. Then we will listen to speeches from 4th and 5th grade students and electing SGA officers.

If time allows, I will be doing a mini lesson on the correct useage of capital letters. The student's writing indicates that this is a definite need!

Look for a dictionary skill worksheet for homework, as well!

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