Friday, September 12, 2008


In math we took a quiz that will be coming home today. THis quiz covered four different measurement topics. There is a two sided page attached to the quiz that has a rubric for each of the measurement topics covered on the quiz. After the quiz, we played a place value riddle game as a class.

I want to share a piece of good news...
MANY (possibly all) of the students who worked with me in small group yesterday, during math, utilized the strategies we practiced SUCCESSFULLY!!!! Boy, for a teacher, that makes it ALL worth it! :-)

During reading, we read and discussed our first issue of Time for Kids. We identified text features, defined importnat vocabulary words and asnwered verbal questions to ensure that we understood the cover story.

Following music, lunch and indoor recess, we went to the computer lab where the children were introduced to MicroSoft Publisher. The class spent time exploring the program, which included, insert text boxes, inserting pictures, changing the size of fonts and pictures, moving items around on the virtual sheet of paper, etc., etc.

When we return to the classroom we will use sensory sight images to describe an item from our desk.

Have a great weekend! Go Skins!

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