Friday, March 7, 2014

Fantastic Friday - Testing Begins!

This morning the entire third grade took the first part of the MSA math.  The children tested most of the morning.  I AM so proud of each and every one!!!  I saw students putting effort into their work, using their strategies and not giving up!!!

After testing, some students worked towards completing the character analysis for their realistic fiction picture book while other students investigated how Eve Bunting, a famous children's author, introduces the main characters and problems in her books.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students will complete the posters we began in social studies yesterday reflecting ways we share culture.  Then they will share their work with the rest of the class.

The children will end their day in PE with MR. Lee.

We are still in need of pencils (sharpened) and tissues.

We will be finishing the math MSA on Monday morning.

Have a great weekend!!

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