Wednesday, March 21, 2012 wackiness here!

Ahhhhhhh...we are back to our normal routine!! :-)

In reading we continued reading "Got Poison?" in the current National Geographic and practiced identifying the main idea. While I met with a reading group the students worked independently. Independent work included completing the first two paragraphs for their persuasive writing rough drafts and summarizing the reasons animals use poison (in their RRJS, using the "Got Poison?" article).

Reading Group:
Bears: We began reading the epilogue of Winner's Take All. It's a short biographical sections about Christy Matthewson, one of baseball's original hall of famers.

In math we continued where we left off yesterday by placing improper fractions and mixed numbers on number lines. I worked with a small group to reinforce this skill. As promised, there is no homework.

After math, the students got into their assigned groups from social studies yesterday and began working on presentations, using the iPad, about the responsibilities that go along with the rights of citizens. For example, one had freedom of expression. SO their group will present, to the class, the responsibilities that go along with that right; such as telling the truth, being aware of others feelings, etc.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued their independent work while I met with reading groups.

Lions: We reviewed the characters in the book Gooseberry Park and then read and discussed chapter 8.

Crabs: We reviewed the characters in the book and discussed receiving letters in the mail. Then we read and discussed chapter 3.

We ended the day with a class meeting. We began with a group share where each child shared, "One thing I like about our classroom..." and then we exchanged a couple of compliments.

Science projects are due NEXT Wednesday!!!

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