Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

It may be cold outside but the sun is shining!!! Yippee!!

The students began reading by working in small groups to list and identify text features. After sharing their charts, we created a checklist to identify what was needed to answer a BCR that focused on...wait for it...text features! The students were asked to name and explain a text feature that could be added to the "hoops" section of Schoolyard Toys that would improve it.

While the students worked on the BCR, I pulled a reading group.

Lions: We read and discussed chapter 5, including words they listed as unknown yesterday, in class. For homework they need to reread page 32 and write a caption for the picture on page 33. BTW...we read page 32 TWICE in group today...and discussed it in detail.

In math we identified and named fractions of a whole and a set. The students rotated between three groups. One group worked with me creating fractions strips. Another group completed an independent worksheet. Finally, the third group went to anchor activities which included using fraction apps on the iPads. There is a fraction worksheet for homework.

After PE, lunch and outdoor recess the students identified arguments from the pros/cons chart to add to their persuasive writing planning sheet. While I met with reading groups, the children completed their planning sheets and finished their BCRs from this morning.

Reading Groups:
Bears: We shared the titles they wrote for chapter 13, for homework, last night. Then we read and discussed chapter 14. There is no reading homework for this group tonight.

Crabs: We had a disappointing group today...3 out of 6 students didn't do their homework. Then, with the help of GREAT students, I discovered an error on the novel schedule. So, we briefly identified the characters in the picture on page 7 and we shared our thoughts as to what was happening on that page. There is no homework for this group.

We ended the day by finishing reading about the ear.

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