Thursday, March 22, 2012

Foggy Thursday

This morning, in our reading block, we began a new article in the National Geographic called, "Super Survivors". We are working on identifying the main idea AND asking questions as we read to help us focus on and comprehend the text.

After reading the first two pages, the students worked independently while I pulled a reading group. Independent work included completing the two paragraphs for the persuasive rough draft, finishing the summary for reason animals use their poison, and completing a WOW worksheet for our new word, murmur (to whisper or talk quietly).

Reading Groups:
Crabs: In group, the students read chapters 4 and 5 independently. Then we discussed how Brady was acting and why he was acting that way. We also talked about why Oatmeal was having trouble settling into the new home.

After our math warm up, I gave every student an "exit-card" (a 2 problem half sheet) to gauge where their understanding of placing factions and mixed numbers on number lines stood. 15 out of 20 students were unable to answer the two questions correctly. SO, instead of the equivalent fraction lesson I had planned, we spent time reviewing how to place fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. There is no homework tonight...this is the last day I "owe" them from MSA. :-) There will be a quiz tomorrow, though.

After math, the students went to art (they worked with clay!), and enjoyed lunch and recess.

Following recess, I modeled how to add a 2-3 sentence concluding paragraph to the rough draft. Then, while I met with my last two reading groups, the students added a conclusion to their own rough draft and completed the independent work from earlier in the day.

Reading Groups:
Bears: We tried to finish reading the section about Christy Matthewson but great discussion bogged us down once again!!! We WILL finish this tomorrow and begin a new book tomorrow!!!

Lions: We reread parts of chapter 8 and discussed the effects of the storm and what the author meant by saying that Kona's body was bruised and her spirit's battered.

We ended the day by discussing the connections between rights and responsibilities.

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