Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

It's been a busy Tuesday!! In reading we reviewed the characteristics of historical fiction. Then we read the book, Mailing May, and identified examples of historical fact and fiction. After that, the children had a chance to work on editing and revising their persuasive rough draft and complete the chart, in their RRJ, for Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers. In math the students continued working to identify equivalent fractions. Today they needed to identify the amount of pizza to color and name the fraction. There is an equivalent fraction worksheet for homework. Next, the students went to PE. Then they enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess. After recess, Mrs. Howard came by to do a lesson about tattling versus telling with the students. After Mrs. Howard left, the students compelted a follow-up activity. Finally, the students shared their work with eachother. Reminder...the sound project is due TOMORROW!! Also, please note, the format for my blog has changed...I am experiencing some challenges with the format and spell check...please understand that this post might not meet my expectations.

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