Monday, March 26, 2012

Marvelous Monday!!

It was so much fun seeing so many of you at Bingo Night!!!

This morning, in reading, we began identifying the characteristics of historical fiction as we read the book Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers. Historical fiction involves stories that are made up (fiction) but include aspects of facts from history.

The students had so much fun discussing the story and identifying examples of historical fact and fiction. The lesson ran a bit long...therefore, I did my writing lesson this morning and will meet with all three reading groups this afternoon.

For writing I introduced a checklist that the students will use, this afternoon, in order to edit and revise their persuasive rough drafts.

In math, we reviewed placing fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. Then we began identifying and naming equivalent fractions. Students worked on an independent follow up worksheet and went to anchor activities while I worked with a small group. This group practiced labeling fractions on a number line. There is a equivalent fraction worksheet for homework.

Following music, lunch and outdoor recess the students worked independently on identifying examples of historical fact and fiction from Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers and using the checklist to revise and edit their rough drafts. I pulled two reading groups.

Lions: We discussed the possible meaning of chapter 9 and then read and discussed the chapter.

Crabs: We reread and discussed chapters 6 and 7 in group.

We ended the day with a very special treat! Mrs. Jeyasunder's son Pat came in and played four songs on his guitar. The students truly enjoyed listening to sound being produced!

Remember the sound projects are due WEDNESDAY. Also, there is a canned food drive all week!

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