Thursday, April 7, 2011


We are back to our regular schedule today with math in the morning and specials in the afternoon! WOO HOO! The kids really took the adjustments in I'm a creature of habit...change is difficult!!

In math we continued multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. While the students worked independently, Mrs. Arul and I worked with small groups on identifying and counting large groups of coins. For homework, most students have a portion of a multiplication worksheet to complete...look for my peach marker on the page. WE will have a quiz tomorrow!

While I noted that our writing lesson was LLOONNGG yesterday, I must admit it paid off! Mrs. J and I noticed a lot of improvement in the student's writing AND their understanding of the expectations for the writing process. SO, today we began by getting into groups of three students and taking turns reading our writing out loud. Then we some students shared their writing in front of the whole group so that I could used actual students work to model the revision of sentences for fluency and grammar.

After that we read the fantasy story, The Mysterious Tadpole, and I modeled writing a summary. This is a skill we have worked on earlier in the year but when students were asked to write one for chapter one of their respective reading group books, it proved to be quite challenging. Therefore, we are revisiting summary writing and the students will have another chance to practice this skill using their reading group books.

While I met with reading groups, Mrs. J. conferenced with students on their writing and the class worked on reading group follow up BCRs and writing the final draft of their realistic history story.

Hornets: We reviewed chapter 2 and began reading chapter 3. For homework they need to read chapter 3 and write one question about the chapter.

Snow Tigers: We reviewed the main ideas from chapter 2 and began reading chapter 3. For homework the students need to read chapter 3 and write one question about the chapter.

Hyenas: We reviewed chapter 2 and read most of chapter 3. For homework they need to read the entire chapter 3 and write a question for the group to answer tomorrow.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students went to the media center. We will end the day with a class meeting.

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