Monday, April 4, 2011

The Return of Spring...and Reading Groups!

Today, tomorrow and Wednesday, our schedule will be slightly different. We will have math in the afternoon in order to have our specials in the morning. We are trading specials with second grade who is taking the TN2.

This morning we went to PE. After PE we unpacked our new science kit and discussed our next science unit, Plant Growth and Development.

Then we went to reading. IN reading we read the story called The Wump World by Bill Peet. Today the students just enjoyed this fantasy book. Tomorrow we will use it for direct instruction. After that, we practiced a new WOW word...taunt. We also previewed and discussed our new spelling words. Finally, I modeled creating a topic list for writing realistic fiction. The students made a t-chart listing experiences they had on one side and what "could" have happened on the other.

Reading Groups:
Hornets: We discussed and previewed Bunnicula, a fantasy chapter book. Then we began reading chapter 1. For homework they need to read the entire chapter and answer the question, "How did Chester feel about Bunnicula? Why?" on a post it not.

Snow Tigers: We discussed and began reading chapter 1 of Gooseberry Park, a book about the friendship between a lab and a squirrel. For homework the students need to read chapter 1 and list 5 examples of Stumpy's treasure on a sticky note.

Hyenas: We briefly discussed the Magic School Bus chapter book about Bats. Tonight the students need to read chapter 1 and list unknown words on their sticky note.

Following lunch and oudoor recess we had math. IN math we practiced estimating money using whiteboards. The students counted and wrote money as part of their independent work. Mrs.Benson worked with a small group on this skill. I met with a small group to work on placing fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. There is a worksheet for homework.

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