Thursday, February 12, 2009


In math today we practiced constructing circles, with various radii, using a compass. There is a worksheet for homework that reviews geometry vocabulary. There will be a quiz tomorrow. AS of right now, we are planning to give the unit assessment next Friday.

We began reading with Miss Jones reading some Valentine's Day themed books to the entire third grade. When we returned to class the children received their new spelling works and continued working on reading group activities and cursive.

This afternoon I will model a lesson using No, David! and focusing on chnaging people's minds using persuasion. I will also emphasize the need for elaboration within our written arguments.

Mrs. Dorfman (the substitute councelor) will be in our room, at the end of the day, to do a lesson on resbonsibility.

All students need to have a decorated paper bag or shoebox to collect their valentines tomorrow.

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