Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hump Day!

In math we spent time identifying and naming fraction s and mixed numbers. We also finished watching the video that explains fractions on a number line. Most children have some classwork (not their fault...we ran out of time) to finish for homework. We will not have a quiz this Friday but there will be a quiz on fractions next Friday.

In reading we reviewed historical fiction as a literary genre. We began by reviewing the statements from yesterday's independent work activity and discussing whether or not they were historical fact or fiction. Then we read the story Mailing is a wonderful story based on a true incident of parents mailing (using parcel post and train delivery) their daughter for a visit with her grandmother. AS a whole group we identified the historical facts and the fictional story elements.

Following PE, lunch and outdoor recess the children will work on independent work activities (reading group assignments, cursive, searching for -oy words and writing to persuade) and go to FASTT math while I meet with reading groups.

W&M: Continue working on their novel study assignments. I will check in with them to see how things are going. Their concept map is due today. Tomorrow we will discuss chapters 1&2 and they will hand in their RRj assignment.

Myron: Will answer a focus question in their RRJ (Why does the author say that Myron was "the best president in the history of Wayside School"?) in preparation for our group discussion.

Tornado: The students will reread the story and write a summary of it in their RRJ. This will be completely independent... no prior I can see what they have learned about writing summaries.

We will end the day by discussing how people gain authority in our government and consequences of not being a responsible citizen.

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