Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Terrific Tuesday

The students chose to either practice keyboarding using Typing Club or read silently, for morning work this morning.

After the announcements we began our math rotations.  During the small group math lesson, the children identified whether ten and/or hundreds needed to be decomposed in order to find the difference between two numbers.  Then the children got to work to solve the problem.  Finally they checked their answer using addition.  To wrap it all up we discussed the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds and how understanding this can help us solve subtraction problems.

During math with a partner the students watched an Educreations lesson about decomposing numbers and then solved two subtraction problems...of course, math discourse was required!

At the technology rotation the students visited IXL and used strategies to solve addition problems using 3 addends.

For HOMEWORK the students need to go to Google Classroom, solve a subtraction problem and explain what relationship they needed to understand in order to solve it.  HELP (for parents)...the relationship they need to understand is that one hundred is the same at ten tens.  Knowing this allows them to break apart a hundred to "get more tens".  Hope this helps!  :-)

After math, I shared an important word work activity called Pink Words.  When I review the students' written work, I will provide feedback AND I will write the correct spelling of words they mispelled in pink ink in the margins of their journals.  During word work time, the students will look for these pink words, and using my correct spelling, they will erase the incorrectly spelled words, in their journals, and write the words correctly.  Then, they will add the words, spelled correctly, to their Quick Word Handbooks, which they received today.  Additionally, the children can use these resources to look up the spelling of frequently used words, as they are pre-printed in the books.

After this quick mini-lesson, the children enjoyed lunch and recess.

When they returned to class, the children began working on their independent tasks for the week.  First, they need to revise their rough drafts and publish a final copy using the Chrome books.  Next, they need to use the links provided on the third grade web site to identify 2-3 facts answering the questions they wrote for their inquiry project.  Once those assignments are complete, they will choose between listening to reading, using the Internet site, One More Story, and word work, which is to correct the spelling of pink words and add them to their Quick Word Handbooks.

While the students worked independently, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  We began by reviewing the sound the -ou pattern makes in words such as, mountain, proudly, found and around.  After that we retold the story of Crow Boy.  Next we identified a theme of the book as everyone has a special talent.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread Crow Boy and list words ending in -ed on a sticky note.

Lions:  With this group we began by reviewing the feedback I had provided on their rough drafts and shared ways to revise their personal narratives.  After that we discussed last night's homework...Mr. Henshaw suggesting Leigh begin writing in a diary and why.  Then we identified details that support the theme of Leigh being lonely.  For HOMEWORK the students need top read pages 45-53 and identify how Leigh's mood begins to change.

Leopards:  First we began with writing conferences.  The students had the opportunity to ask questions about the feedback I provided on their rough draft.  After that we discussed chapter 4, particularly Ariel's reaction to Grandma when she comes home from the hospital.  Then we analyzed why Grandma was glad that Ariel got mad at her.  For HOMEWORK the students need to analyze the picture on page 41 and list what they SEE (no inferences, yet, please).

Panthers:  In group we reviewed the students' lists of unknown words from homework last night.  Then we identified the problem and solution in the story.  After that we identified actions and words that led to events in the story.  For HOMEWORK tonight the children need to reread Whose Way Today and mark the beginning, middle and end (B/M/E) using the sticky notes I provided.

We ended the day by defining the concept of gravity and identifying its impact on the motion of an object.  Then the students worked collaboratively to explore the impact of gravity on the motion of an object and identify questions they still have about it.  Finally, we shared and listed these questions on a chart.  My favorite question was , "Why do some objects bounce that shouldn't?"

Tomorrow is an early dismissal day.  Students will be dismissed beginning at 12:35.  There is no school on Thursday.  It's a Jewish holiday.  Tonight's homework will be the last for this week!  :-)

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