Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

We began our day with our weekly class meeting.  First, we shared what we enjoyed about third grade.  Next, we exchanged compliments with one another.  Finally, we discussed the challenge of turning in assignments on time and according to the expectations.  Students brainstormed ideas they thought might help.  It was decided that the students who are substitutes on our class job board would be in charge of double checking that classmates have headed their papers properly and handed in the correct papers. 

In math we were introduced to the compensation strategy for subtraction.  Other rotations included practicing basic subtraction facts using the site, Find the Difference, and using digit cards to create and solve 3 digit subtraction problems, with a partner, in their math journals.

For HOMEWORK there is a lesson on Edmodo.  I went over it with the students in class.  Once again, students who can't access the Internet at home can do it in class during morning work tomorrow.

Our reading and writing whole group lesson focused on the quarter 1 inquiry project.  We have spent some time working on this project in the media center and in the classroom.  We came to a standstill where students were confused and frustrated.

After speaking with colleagues around MCPS, we restarted the project heading in a new direction.  Today students were introduced to 6 different actions that help people n the community.  These are now linked to the third grade web site.  Feel free to check them out!

After exploring these 6 actions and their web sites, the students chose an action, explained why it interests them and wrote an "I Promise" statement.  They DO NOT need to carry out this action, but they will research it and write about their findings.

While I met with reading groups the students completed reading group assignments and explored the 6 action sites, chose one to research and wrote an "I Pledge" statement.  We will begin our research at some point during the next week...stay tuned!

Sharks:  In group we reviewed the key events we identified yesterday.  Then we chose the 3 most important ones and used them to identify the central message or lesson.  Then I modeled writing about the message and using the key details to support my thinking.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the story (fluency) and copy two examples of dialogue, from the text, into their RRJ.  This will give them practice writing dialogue using correct capitalization and punctuation.  Correct copying is essential.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.

Dolphins:  The children reread their book and identified 3 key events using sticky notes.  In group we shared and discussed these events.  Then we used these to identify the central message or lesson.  After that, I modeled a written response identifying the central message and using the key details to support my thinking.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the story (fluency) and copy two examples of dialogue, from the text, into their RRJ. This will give them practice writing dialogue using correct capitalization and punctuation. Correct copying is essential.

Cheetahs:  The students reread chapter 7 and identified 3 key events using sticky notes. In group we shared and discussed these events. Then we used these to identify the central message or lesson.   For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 8 and copy two examples of dialogue, from the text, into their RRJ. This will give them practice writing dialogue using correct capitalization and punctuation. Correct copying is essential.

Pandas:  The students reread chapter 7 and identified 3 key events using sticky notes. In group we tried to share and discuss these events.  Unfortunately, there was some confusion regarding this activity.  So, instead, we reviewed the expectations for this assignment.  We will try again tomorrow!For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 8 and copy two examples of dialogue, from the text, into their RRJ. This will give them practice writing dialogue using correct capitalization and punctuation. Correct copying is essential.

The day ended with students working collaboratively to choose a testable question regarding gravity's affects on the motion of an object, analyzing their question to come up with a plan and then carrying it out to identify the answer.

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