Friday, September 13, 2013


The students began their day in PE.

When they returned to class, we used the Promethean board and the virtual manipulative web site to review the partial sums strategy for addition.  Then the children took their first math quiz.  The quizzes have been scored and will be returned to students before the end of the day.  It is expected to be stored in the math section of the binder.  Please look if over!!

We began our reading and writing block by reading portions of the Judy Blume book, The Pain and the Great One, and identifying whose point of view the selection was told by and how their words indicated their feelings towards another character. 

Then we identified three rules for properly using dialogue in writing.  They are:
Rule #1 - quotation marks
Rule #2 - punctuation separating speaker and exact words
Rule #3 - capitalize first word of words spoken

While I met with reading groups the students revised their good deed personal narrative to include dialogue with correct punctuation.  Then they continued exploring Livebinder to choose a topic for the quarter 1 inquiry project.
Sharks:  We read up to page 7 of Anthony's Unhappy Birthday.  We identified examples of cause and effect in the text.
Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.
Dolphins:  We read the first 4 pages of Jordan's Lucky Day and identified can action of Ben's (kicking the ball into the corner of the wall) and the event that occurred because of it (the ball bounced down the driveway).
Cheetahs:  We  shared their HW RRJ responses explaining how Gregory's feelings changed in chapter 1.  I was quite impressed with the way the students used textual support in their writing!  :-)
Pandas:  We shared their RRJ entries where they explained their own "dragons" (fears).
We ended the day by examining Boxes for Katje and a video clip to identify how citizens in a community can work with the government or other people and create positive changes for the common good.

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