Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Routine? What's that??

So, last week, I was kind of excited that we had gotten into a nice routine.  These past two days, though, makes me feel as if I got excited too soon!

This morning began with our weekly class meeting.  We changed jobs and set up our science and social studies journal.  Then each child had the chance to share one thing they could do to be successful in school.  After that, we shared compliments with one another.

At that point, we were called down to the cafeteria for our first assembly.  Chris Rumble, an author, illustrator and singer, visited our school.  It was an entertaining experience.  But, once again, we missed a portion of our math rotations block.

I decided to do a whole group lesson, in math, introducing the compensation strategy for addition.  This strategy rounds addends to benchmark numbers and then teaches the students that they have to compensate for their rounding.  I captured the lesson on Educreations.  For HOMEWORK students need to rewatch the lesson, it is posted on Edmodo, and complete one addition problem attempting to use this new strategy.  I DO NOT EXPECT SUCCESS and I told this to the class.  However, I want them to try.  Tomorrow, in groups, I will analyze their homework, identify where they got stuck and proceed with my lesson from there.

We began our reading/writing block with an introduction to word processing and spellcheck.  There were a few challenges, so this lesson was cut short, too.

While I meet with small groups all reading groups will complete an RRJ entry using an illustration in their reading group book to make an inference and explain their thinking.  Then students will begin publishing their personal narrative on the laptops.  Students who are unable to get a laptop will finish their cursive, correct pink words and finish their morning work.

Sharks:  We looked at the picture on page 9 and discussed what we saw and inferences we could make.  I modeled two different written responses for their RRJ prompt and gave them a sentence starter to use when they complete their RRJ assignment independently.  For homework they are to reread Anthony's Unhappy Birthday to work on fluency.  They WILL get a  new book tomorrow!  I promise!!

Following lunch and outdoor recess Mrs. Howard met with the entire third grade to talk about SGA class representatives.  Information is coming home tonight.

Then I met with more reading groups and the students continued working independently.

Dolphins:  We looked at the picture on page 15 and discussed what we saw and inferences we could make.  We rehearsed two different written responses for their RRJ prompt and gave them a sentence starter to use when they complete their RRJ assignment independently. For homework they are to reread Jordan's Lucky Day to work on fluency. They WILL get a new book tomorrow! I promise!!

Cheetahs:  The students wrote about inferences they could make by looking at the picture on page 19.  In group we read chapter 3 and discussed who was telling the story (a narrator) and how she feels about Gregory.  For homework the students need to reread chapter 3.

Pandas:  In their RRJ they wrote about the inferences they could make by looking at the picture on page 24.  In group we discussed the difference between what we actually see and inferences we can make.  For HOMEWORK they students need to read chapter 3.

We ended the day by sorting pictures according to whether or not they depict  ramp and then we predicted what affect a ramp will have on the motion of an object.

I sent home our first book order today.  Orders are due no later than Tuesday, September 24.

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