Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday--EDMODO is here!

This morning we began our day with a class meeting.  Students expressed how they most enjoy learning or how they learn best during our group share.  After that, I explained that today we would be using our class meeting to set up Edmodo accounts.  Therefore, we would not be doing the compliments and challenges portion of the meeting.  We will get back to the typical class meeting routine next week...I promise!  :-)

We spent the next hour setting up student accounts.  There is a letter coming home today explaining Edmodo.  On the back of the note you can find instructions for creating a parent account through your child's.

After that, I taught students a new rounding strategy (using boxes) and how to round three digit numbers to the nearest hundred. The lesson can be found here and on the new third grade web site.
While Mrs. Benson reviewed the strategy and helped them through independent practice, I continued with my reading assessments.

In reading we practiced asking questions and making predictions to help us interact and comprehend text, as we read the realistic fiction book Boxes for Katje, by Candace Fleming.

Following lunch and outdoor recess, we finished reading Boxes for Katje.  Then the children continued working on their good deed personal narrative rough draft, which we began yesterday, while I assessed more students' reading abilities.

We ended the day by exploring different ways we could change an objects motion and describing them using correct vocabulary...particularly push and pull.  See the pictures below.

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