Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

In math I introduced a new strategy for identifying elapsed time. Students can set up a t-chart with the actual times on one side and increments that elapse on the other. Ask your child about it! Students practiced this strategy while I met with a small group. There is a worksheet for homework.

We began reading by reviewing the directions that the children wrote yesterday for brushing their teeth. We noticed the characteristics that made them effective directions (numbered, in order, neat, direct, concise, etc.). Then we compared them to a set of directions written by the USDA. We also discussed ways to improve the USDA written directions, such as, adding a list of needed materials and adding diagrams. Then , while I met with reading groups, the children rewrote directions for a paper called How Well Did You Brush.

Reading groups:
Mouse: Read and discussed chapter 8 with our student teacher, Miss Caerafano.

Onion Tears: Is now 2 Wise Children...they shared their poems for the animals they researched. They were FABULOUS! Then we did a text opener for the new story.

Pooh: Now called Big Black Dog...we discussed how to tell a friend you think they cheated without harming the friendship and what to do if you find out you were wrong! Then I read the new story while they followed along. They need to reread it for homework.

I also began testing students for the spring F&P testing.

Following lunch and recess the students will work on writing realistic fiction while I continue testing. Then they will cross pollinate their plants. Finally, we will watch a movie about the plant growth cycle.

Book Orders due THIS Thursday!
Friday is Pajama Day
Poetry Project is due 6/11

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