Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hump Day!

This morning in math we continued working on identifying elapsed time and reading a schedule. The children did a quick two-problem "exit card" for me to assess their understanding of elapsed time. Based on these results, I met with a small group and Ms. Carafano met with a small group. The third group worked independently on more advanced elapsed time problems. There is a worksheet for homework and we WILL have a quiz on Friday!

During reading the students worked on reading group assignments while I tested individual students.

Mouse: Read chapter 9 and noted unknown words on a sticky note for reading group discussion tomorrow.

Big Black Dog: Did a second reading with directed notes...marked places with a "c" where they felt Jean was acting in a clever manner, they also marked places with an "f" if they felt he was acting foolishly.

2 Wise Children: Met with Miss Carafano and discussed the text opener. Then listened as she read the story aloud.

Following PE, lunch and recess, I plan to continue testing students while the rest of the class works on their realistic fiction. Then we will attend the spring band and choral concert.

Book orders are due tomorrow
Pajama Day is NEXT Friday, 5/29
Poetry Project is due 6/11

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