Friday, December 19, 2008


This morning in math we took our third quiz for unit 3. This quiz included 3 challenge (grade 4)learning topics! The children did quite well!! Look for the quiz in your child's binder.

In reading we took a spelling assessment. Remember that correct capitalization and punctuation counts. We also identified nouns and adjectives.

Following music, lunch and recess we split into writing and FASTT math groups. In writing the children took their topics and graphic organizers and began writing their first drafts. At the end of writing we shared topic sentences that were constructed today. They were excellent!!! I could tell the children had learned from the mini lessons this week.

We ended the day with a science review lesson. Students were encouraged to choose materials we have used in our experiments thus far to practice producing sound and changing the pitch of the sound. Then the students answered a BCR explaining the relationship between sound, vibrations, frequency and pitch. This will be scored and returned next week!

Have a great weekend...remember we only have school on Monday and Tuesday.

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