Friday, December 12, 2008


Wow...two five day work weeks in a row...can you believe it?!?! LOL! I think we are all ready for the weekend.

In math we took the second quiz for unit 3. The students did fantastically well! YEY! After they were finished, we spent time (using white boards) learning to solve some of the 4th grade challenge problems. This included a brief introduction to the order of operations (solve what is in the parenthesis first), learning about variables (the letters are the same as boxes...a missing or unknown number) and rewriting division sentences as multiplication problems.

Reading time was spent reviewing the concept definition map that we have used in the past to strengthen our vocabulary. Then the children chose a word from their reading books and used it to complete a concept map independently.

Following music, lunch and outdoor (YEY!) recess we will have FASTT math/writing. During writing the children will be given a completed graphic organizer and work in pairs to write a well developed paragraph based on the graphic organizer.

We will end the day watching a video about sound.

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