Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

Well actually it's been an average day but Average Tuesday doesn't have any rhythm to it, does it?

In math we learned how to use multiplication and division to identify equivalent fraction. Just a reminder...whatever you do to the denominator (the number on the bottom, you do to the numerator (the number on top) and vice versa. I also worked with a small group to solidify their subtraction with regrouping skills. There is a worksheet (identifying fractions on a number line) for homework. We will have a formative tomorrow and a quiz on Friday.

We began our reading block by identifying verbs and adjectives in the morning message. Then, we reviewed a practice BCR that the children did a couple of weeks ago...at least I am being honest...I modeled reading the text and using piece of text to elaborate and support our answers. Then I handed back the BCR's for the children to revise them. Finally, I collected the BCR's and gave feedback on them during lunch. Look for these in their home folders tonight. MANY did well...some children appeared not to be listening during my instruction and it showed in their response. That was a bit frustrating for me.

Then the children worked on reading group assignments.

JGB: Finally finished their directed notes for the Humpbacked Horse. I will meet with them tomorrow.

SP&T: Read chapter 7 and answered a BCR in their reading log.

W&M: Met with me. We finally finished the Biography of Patricia MacLachlan and discussed the paragraph which referenced the novel, Journey, which we will be reading. Then I read chapter 1 of Journey aloud and we discussed whether Journey was angry with his grandfather, his mother or both of them.

Following lunch and recess we did a practice MSA activity for math. The children worked,independently, on a packet. Then we put their pencils away and they corrected their own work with a marking pen. We discussed the correct answers and I answered any questions they had.

Please make sure your child is working on their sound project. An instrument, diagram and paragraph is due THURSDAY, 3/20.

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