Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Foggy Tuesday

In math today, we spent a great deal of time taking notes on vocabulary specific to Geometry. The children took notes in their math journals, then they received packets, to be kept in the math section of their notebooks, for reference at home. Finally, Mrs. Starkey led the children in geo-aerobics where they practiced modeling the new vocabulary using their bodies. Ask your child to share their geo-aerobics and their vocab packets with you. There is a math worksheet for homework!

During reading, we reread The Old Woman Who Named Things by Cynthia Rylant. We discussed how the mood changed during the course of the story and identified examples that indicated a change in the mood. We also identified the point of view. Then the students had a follow up worksheet to complete.

While they worked on their worksheet, I met with reading groups. W&M discussed their reading selection from yesterday and completed a writing preassessment. JGB listened as I did a first reading of theMonster Who Grew Smaller. Finally, Sarah, Plain and Tall met with me to discuss chapter one and I was going to assign a written follow up, but we ran out of time...oh well, it will be there for them tomorrow! :-)

Following lunch and recess, the children shared entries from their morning work journals. Then I assigned a reading comprehension worksheet for homework. Finally, we got to a new science experiment...the students have been asking about science for days!

In science, we created a one string instrument, with a soundboard, and experimented with adjusting the tension of the string to change the pitch...kind of cool!

Note: I rarely reread my posts, as time is a limited resource...recently I have experienced spell check issues...so, you all have been quite kind and not corrected my grammar...please be aware that the spelling might have issues, too...all of this is more closely related to my typing abilities (or lack there of) and my limited time then to my knowledge (or at least I hope so)!


Lisa said...

I am so impressed you have kept this up all yr...not many people know how hard it is andhow much just one comment to let you know there is a parent reading means to you. I hope they all love your blog as much as I do.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Lisa!

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