Monday, February 11, 2008

Primary Monday

Don't forget...there is no school tomorrow due to Primary Election Day!

In math we discussed the movement of shapes; slides, flips and turns. There is one side of a two-sided worksheet for homework tonight. The students learned these new terms pretty quickly so we did a practice exercise for MSA. These practice exercises are beneficial for gives me, as a teacher, an idea of the children's "weaker areas" so that I can plan appropriate lessons AND it builds the children's confidence level...they seem so excited by how much they already know!

During reading we began another whole group William and Mary activity. We read Shells by Cynthia Rylant and focused on interpretation of literature through the use of literature webs. Bascially, after reading the story, we discussed important key words, feelings, images and symbols, and ideas that came to mind as we read the story. We charted these on a web and discussed how this helped us interperet and comprehend the story.

Following art, lunch and recess, we continued working on our literature web and worked on reading group assignments. The William and Mary group set up their W&M folders, completed a change web and discussed "coming out of a shell" as it related to the story we read. The SP&T group reread chapter 1 and answered BCR's in their reading response journals. The JGB group reread Monsters and used sticky notes to mark places where Miobi learned to be brave.

Then we went to the media center for a book exchange.

For homework:
Everyone needs to find 10 words that have -oy in them and list them in their spelling journal. We will share these words on wednesday.

JGB - Reread Monster
SP&T - complete BCR's in reading response journal
W&M - complete journal entry telling about a time they came out of their shell

Also, new book orders were sent home today. If you choose to order, please return the order form and a check (payable to Scholastic Books) ASAP but no later than next Tuesday, February 19.

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