Thursday, December 6, 2007

Two Hour Delay

Our first two hour delay...but we still got some learning done!! :-)

We began the day with math. We used arrays to write and solve multiplication number sentences. There is a worksheet for homework. I also HIGHLY recommend using the math links to begin memorizing the basic multiplication facts. We will begin making flashcards in class tomorrow.

Following math, it was time for lunch. After lunch we continued reading Wreck of the Ethie. Then we went to the computer lab.

In the computer lab, we investigated using spell check. We discussed the fact that spell check will not recognize every word (blog, for example) and that if you type the wrong spelling of a word (hour for our) the computer will not recognize that you made a mistake. After that mini-lesson, the children had "free choice" time on the computer. They were able to use Microsoft Word, Paint, visit our blog or go to many math resource links that are available.

When we return to the classroom the children will get some time to write to inform about a topic and then we will visit the 5th grade Structure exhibit.

Please remember that spelling homework is due tomorrow and we will take a spelling test.

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