Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Grandparent's Day

We had a lot of visitor's today...I sure hope they enjoyed themselves!!

During math, we took a formative. The children did exceptionally well on the first two pages. I am so excited for can see their confidence and enthusiasm grow! The third page of the formative covered fourth grade objectives that have NOT been taught in class. I was curious to see how they would do on this page...that is the reason I gave it to them. I was impressed with their attempts at solving the problems.

There will be a quiz on Friday but there will NOT be any fourth grade objectives on the quiz. No homework was given tonight but I did suggest that the children practice their multiplication flashcards.

During reading, we reviewed compound words and words with suffixes. The we read a book about Family Trees. After that, the children were given family trees to complete. This was meant as a fun activity and did not need to be completed.

Following PE, lunch and recess, the children were able to choose to work on their family trees or their informative writing pieces. Then Mrs. Howard came in to teach a lesson about self discipline.

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