Monday, November 26, 2007

The Day After

So, my husband surprised me with a Riggins jersey on Friday...I was so excited!!! I even wore it during Redskins Report on Saturday is now shoved in my closet...all balled up...I am repulsed by yesterday's game.

Luckily, being back to school is a GREAT distraction! It was so good to see the children this morning...I did miss them! :-)

During math we reviewed converting measurements of inches, feet and yards. Then we worked on identifying the area and perimeter of figures. We took it a step further today by trying to identify the linear measurement of an unknown side of a figure when we already know what the perimeter is...see their classwork if you are having difficulty visualizing what I mean. I am trying to teach them to begin with the known perimeter and subtract out the measurements of the sides that are known. Then the "leftover" is the measurement of the unknown side. For homework, they need to finish their classwork....PLEASE review this since many students appeared to just scribble down numbers once they heard that the unfinished worksheet would become part of their homework. They were also given a perimeter worksheet for homework.

During reading, we used the morning message to locate and identify nouns and adjectives. Then we read Postcards from our Planets to practice reading to be informed AND to locate words with the -ough spelling pattern...interesting tidbit, although the book has a non-fiction call number, the book itself is fiction but all of the information contained in it regarding the planets is non-fiction. As you might imagine, we had a nice discussion about that!

Following art, lunch and recess we continued reading Wreck of the Ethie and shared our morning work.

Then we continued writing to inform about a topic of our choice. The mini lesson prior to the children having time to "just write" centered around editing their writing. We talked about looking for obvious things...such as every sentence starting with a capital letter and ending with a punctuation mark. I also suggested the children reading their pieces to a friend and the friend asking questions that they have in their head in order to get the writer to add more details and be more specific in their writing. We talked about doing this editing using a pen so we could see the changes that were made. AND, of course, I stressed that change is GOOD!

Reading homework...have your child read for 15 minutes choice...if they come across any -ough words in their reading, they should write them down for our spelling unit!

Life wasn't so good in art a class there was so much talking that Mrs. Gribbin-Lindemon couldn't identify specific students who were too chatty...please just remind your children that even though it is an exciting time of year, they need to maintain their focus in school! :-)

Finally, yearbook order forms are going home today!

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